Product Reviews

NARS Hardwired Eyeshadows for Holiday 2014 Review and Swatches

October 19, 2014

NARS launches a new, limited-edition eyeshadow formula, Hardwired Eyeshadow, with the Holiday 2014 Laced With Edge Color Collection.

NARS Hardwired Eyeshadows for Holiday 2014

NARS Hardwired Eyeshadows for Holiday 2014

The Hardwired Eyeshadows come in NARS’ signature rubbery black compact but with a lacy pattern custom digitally-rendered by architectural designer Chris Kabatsi. There are 3 colors available, each packed with sparkles that are bigger than the shimmer you find in NARS regular shadows but smaller than the glitter you see in NARS Night Series Eyeshadows.

Opal Coast is a sheer white with silver shimmer. It is similar to MAC Solar White and the top left shade in Lunasol Vivid Clear Eyes Eyeshadow Palette, only cooler.

Canberra is a smoky blue-based purple with silver shimmer. NARS Jardin Perdu Duo Eyeshadow is almost identical minus the shimmer while NARS Kauai Duo Eyeshadow is slightly darker and more intense, again without the shimmer.

Gabon is a bronzed green with gold shimmer. MAC Greensmoke is lighter and more gold. NARS Night Clubbing is much darker (thanks to its black base) and less shimmery.

Despite the sparkles, the shadows felt super smooth without the slightest bit of grittiness. They applied a little sheerer than they looked in the pan but were overall pigmented and buildable. My only complaint was the fall out. While the shadows wore every well with no primer and minimal creasing after 8 hours, the sparkles always managed to find their way onto my lower eye and cheeks during application and wear.

NARS Hardwired Eyeshadows in Opal Coast, Canberra and Gabon for Holiday 2014

NARS Hardwired Eyeshadows in Opal Coast, Canberra and Gabon

Closeup of NARS Opal Coast Hardwired Eyeshadow
Closeup of NARS Canberra Hardwired Eyeshadow

NARS Canberra Hardwired Eyeshadow

Closeup of NARS Gabon Hardwired Eyeshadow

NARS Gabon Hardwired Eyeshadow

Swatches of NARS Hardwired Eyeshadows in Opal Coast, Canberra and Gabon

Left to right: Swatches of NARS Hardwired Eyeshadows in Opal Coast, Canberra and Gabon

Swatches of MAC Greensmoke, NARS Gabon and NARS Night Clubbing

Left to right: Swatches of MAC Greensmoke, NARS Gabon and NARS Night Clubbing

NARS Hardwired Eyeshadows are available now at and in stores starting November 1st for $25.

Disclosure: This review includes products that were provided by the manufacturer/PR firm for consideration only. It may also contain an affiliate link, which gives us a small commission if you purchase the items. Please see our Disclosure for more information on our posting policy.

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  • Reply Marie October 25, 2014 at 3:18 pm

    I’m a big fan of Mékong, and Gabon seems like a more coppery version. I need to try it. So pretty.

    • Reply Phyllis October 26, 2014 at 11:45 am

      Hi Marie,

      I <3 Mekong too! Gabon is quite different from it - definitely more green but equally as pretty!

      • Reply Marie October 26, 2014 at 5:11 pm

        Hello Phyllis,

        Mékong is awesome for smokey eye, it’s my go-to when I don’t want to use plain black. Thank you for the added info. You’re right, it does look greener, especially in the close-up pic. I don’t mind though, I love green. 😛

  • Reply Ana November 7, 2014 at 1:17 pm

    Hi Phyllis, love the swatches, thank you for them!

    I am a bit unsure about Gabon, the color looks lovely but I don’t want dark fallout on my cheeks… do you think it’s similar to the Baalbek Eye Paint? I’m definitely going to get Opal Coast.

    Cheers xx

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