A year ago, I teamed up with Kathy Ireland to take part in the Latisse Wishes Challenge in which I got to grow longer, lusher lashes and help raise money for children with life-threatening medical conditions. Now this awesome campaign is back with Christina Hendricks as spokesperson and needs your help to raise $500,000.

To be a part of the Latisse Wishes Challenge, all you have to do is make an online donation of at least $20 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation at www.latissewisheschallenge.com. Allergan, the makers of Latisse, will double your donation up to $250,000 between now and November 30, 2011 and provide you with a Latisse free-trial certificate to take to your doctor. If Latisse is right for you, you will also get a $20 rebate on your next Latisse purchase when you invite two friends to join the campaign.
Sounds like a great way to give to others while also getting something for yourself doesn’t it? For more info on the Latisse Wishes Challenge, check out the Latisse twitter page and Facebook page!
Interested in trying Latisse? See my before-and-after pictures!
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