Next up, foundation reviews! Starting with MAC Select SPF 15 Foundation.

Like MAC Studio Finish Satin Foundation, MAC Select SPF 15 Foundation is a water-based liquid formula. It claims to provide medium coverage and a fresh, hydrated finish.
I liked that the foundation came with SPF 15 but again, I found it too dry for my skin and it accentuated my flakes. I would only recommend it to those with combination or oily skin.
Thank you soooo much. your site is great.
you got any mineral makeup foundation?
I have tried Bare Escentuals’ mineral foundation but I find it too dry for my skin.
hey! I love your site. Well I’m lazibratt at soompi and I’m wondering how did you find out what your color for foundation is? What do you think is better: liquid or those ones in the compact? Also, where do you go in Hong Kong to get all these good make up things. I’m planning to go there in the summer.
Hi Lisa, please refer to the following entries for the answers to your questions:
what do you think about teint innocence from chanel
hi, i’ve been reading over your blog recently and i think it’s great!! it’s one of the first i’ve encountered that gives advice for asian make-up. 🙂 kudos to you.
just wondering… i myself am asian as well, and i’ve been thinking about purchasing maybelline instant age rewind foundation. what shade do you think is appropriate? or what shade did you use?
Hi Phyllis,
Can you post the colors you wear for these foundations and any new others you have discovered or recommend? I think we wear the same color (MAC NC25), I can use that info to shop on-line! Thanks!!
hey there!
i love ur blog and like u im in love with makeup…i like to try all kinds and love MAC makeup..
one ques…since my quest for the perfect foundation is still ongoing, can u post a review on chanel’s teint innocence?i was considering the cream to powder version…
Hey Phyllis…. I love your weblog!!!
Could you please help me find a yellow-based foundation for my asian skitone and one that provides enough coverage to cover spider veins?
I love the examples you give but i really think you should include bare minerals. Bare minerals is excellent exspecially for skin that breaks out alot! Its all natural powder and is just great for your face. Some does have SPF in it but with some mineral veil, i`m set for the day!
I truly enjoyed checking out this site! Very helpful indeed:) I was wondering what you would suggest in my case: I’m middle eastern, and have a few blemishes which I’d say bother me:) I used to use Franche (got it from some spa -the liquid creme foundation) which was thick and although I want to change products, Im not sure what to try. I felt safer with the thick application and am used to it by now. Bare minerals seems interesting but its powder and i dont think it’ll work for me. Am considering it though -nothing decided as yet. Oh yeah I do tend to have oily skin as the day progresses.. oh that shine aka ‘glow’!
Do you recommend any foundation products please? I was leaning more towards smashbox hi def for some odd reason :/
Hi Phyllis,
you must be an angel sent from the Make Up Heaven! This is so great that I have found you, because I always have problems with foundation and I only use Mac because I do not know which other colours of other brands can suit me. I am also an Asian Select NC 30!!!! Thank you for your foundation recommendations! As we do not have so many brands here in Germany I am going to try Chanel or YSL the next time!
Hi, have you tried the matte lumiere liquid foundation of chanel? it is also full coverage but same as pro lumiere, it is light on skin & looks natural. It mattifies the oily areas & makes your skin velvety, smooth & radiant : )
I wore #102 for the RMK foundation.
Have you ever tried M.A.C.’s Select Tint? If so, what did you think of it?
I don’t even remember how I came across your blog but I’ve been hooked ever since. I too have asian skin that dries and flakes easily so I know that what works for you will most likely work for me. Thanks so much for all your reviews.
Just wanted to say that i love your blog! I think your reviews are great!
Hi, quick question. If you were to use Estee Lauder Double Wear, which shade would you be wearing? I’m trying to find the perfect shade for me and my skin tone’s similar to yours. Thanks in advance!