After hearing about my sister and friends rave about getting haircuts at hairdressing schools, I decided to give it a shot too. I ended up going to Toni and Guy Academy in Central London.

When I went in for my appointment that morning, the place was already packed with people, mostly females, ranging from early 20s to mid 30s. Upon my arrival, I checked in with the reception and paid £5 upfront. No tips required – sweet!
Next, the staff led us upstairs and helped us put on the capes. A tutor then came over, asked us one by one what kind of looks we were looking for and assigned each of us a student to do our cuts.
I was paired with Jose. I showed him a picture of Koda Kumi from the August issue of ViVi magazine and asked him to make my ends just like hers – uber thin and straight. Jose seemed pretty confident that he would do a good job so I entrusted my hair in his hands.
He started with the usual shampooing and conditioning. Then my nightmare began as the actual cutting started. As I sat in the chair, watching chunks and chunks of my hair falling onto the floor, all I could do was secretly hope that Jose did not cut all of my hair off. But all that secret wishing was futile. Jose ended up cutting a lot of the top layer (the shortest part was only up to the top of my ears!) and I literally wanted to cry when I saw that. I seriously could not imagine how this would look good on anyone but Jose kept reassuring me that he was not taking any of the length at the bottom.
The next morning, I woke up to a disaster. Since my layers were a LOT shorter than before, my hair was a mess and I had to spend *so* much time styling it and if I put the lower part of my hair up, I literally looked like I had a bob!!
Yet strangely, as time passed by, my hair started to look better and better. Now that the layers have grown out a little, my hair just looks so much more alive and chic. I do not have to style it every morning anymore and if I have extra time, I would spray my hair with Boots’ Heat Straightening Protection Spray, straighten the ends with my beloved Jibere de Paris straightening iron and add just a tad of John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Shine Shock Leave-on Perfecting Glosser to seal in the ends and flyaways and voila! Uber sleek look!
o.O i wood be devestated if my hair turned out like that. Did yoo basically have a mullet for the first days?
nope I was just not used to seeing myself like that. I think I might have killed the guy if I had a mullet – don’t think I can pull it off *lol*
any pics?
we want pics!
Wow you are so brave… lol,I stick to one hairdresser and that’s it. I always want sideswept bangs but i never can get them to stay =S Usually clip it to one side until it’s long enough to tuck behind my ears (almost there! ><)
hi, can you do an article and tutorial on how to put eyeshadow and line the lower eye. eg, how to put eyeshadow along the lower eye but not look like eyebags or a panda. where to stop lining to make the eyes look bigger. how to apply etc. thanks
you always have such great details in terms of writing but no visuals…kinda anti-climactic. T_T)
could you pls post pics to do your writing (and anticipating reader ^^) justice?