When it comes to makeup for teens, the key is to keep everything sheer and natural.

Instead of covering your whole face with foundation, use a tinted moisturizer to even out your skintone and apply concealer to cover up zits. Apply powder only on oily areas and to set concealer. Powdering your face all over can add years to your age.
Open up your eyes by curling your lashes and applying mascara. If you decide to wear liner, go for colors like brown, gray, purple, navy or teal. As for eyeshadows, keep it simple and fresh. Experiment with different colors but steer clear from anything dark. Dark smoky eyes is not meant for teens and false lashes is also not necessary unless it is for prom.
Any color goes except those that are too dark. Go with a cream formula and avoid any kind of contouring.
When it comes to the lips, skip liner and stay away from dark hues which can make you look like you are trying too hard. Stick with lighter colors like pink, coral and peach. If you really want to give red a try, go with a gloss or a stain in colors like ruby or cherry.
Image: Courtesy of Bobbi Brown.
Thank you for this!
You’re welcome =) I’ll do a part II with product recommendations later this week.
This is a stupid question but..what is a tinted moisturizer? I usually just wear face lotion. I always heard about it, but i donno what it is. Can u plz give me a pic of me, and where could i get it, thank you.
i couldnt find ur “makeup for teens part II” article…nid some guidance on which product to buy..of coz.. would prefer products which are not to expensive 🙂
hey phyllis… i’m just wondering, r u still gonna make a part 2? cuz if u are that would be awesome-er!!! i luv ur looks but i most def luv this one cuz i still like to look “youthful” at times && my lil sis whose a teen would like 2 know what makeup to wear without beeing overboard. thx tho.
lol did you copy this off a magazine? i swear i saw it before
Other than the image that was taken from Bobbi Brown’s Teenage Beauty Book, every single word on here is written by me – I have been plagiarized before and I know it is not cool.
If you remember which magazine it was, let me know.
hey phyllis! i just wanted 2 tell u that the pic used in this entry was in a bobby brown makeup book for teens, i remember seeing that picture there. anyways, i’m crossing my fingers for a part 2! thx tho!
btw: i have this suggestion that maybe u should have like a FAQ/Advice column from the readers. I know you get tons of emails and comments all over your blog so might as well have it in one spot. just a suggestion…
thanks so much!
FxyCleopatra, thanks for the advice. I have always wanted to do that I just never had the time to look into it. I’ll prolly get that up and running this weekend or the next =)
As for the image, yes I know it was taken from Bobbi Brown’s book hence I wrote that in my last comment and gave credit to her on the entry as well? I don’t think using someone else’s image then citing the source is plagiarism.
i don’t think it’s plagiarazing either. oh and speaking of books, if u also read books about makeup, maybe u can also do a pg on recommendations of something.
more power to your site, this is THE most thorough makeup blog i’ve read and i’m always checking ur site 2x a day.
I don’t understand why it says that teens should be staying away from dark colors. I think teenagers are the only people who can get away with using makeup to it’s full extent. Once you become an adult, it’s not as easy to go out in public wearing bright clothing and dark eyeshadow. Teenagers don’t usually have blemish free skin either. In fact, more than 90% of teenagers have some kind of acne.
i just want to ask, what products can you suggest as moisturizer?