Need to get your passport and yearbook pictures taken? Check out theses makeup tips below!

• Now is not the time to experiment. Stick with neutral, matte colors and go with a clean, sophisticated look. Avoid glittery or super shimmery colors because the flash can turn it into an unflattering shine and make you look weird.
• If you are on the oily side, make sure you blot before hand to avoid looking like a greaseball.
• Curl your lashes. This helps to open up your eyes a LOT.
• Never use a foundation with SPF. The flash will reflect off the SPF, making you look washed out.
• Make sure you are using the right shade of foundation. My biggest pet peeve is people wearing foundations a shade or two lighter so their faces look lighter than their necks.
• Do not go overboard with powder. Too much powder can make you look chalky and lifeless.
• Put on some lip balm. Chapped lips are a big no-no for pictures.
• If you want to make your features stand out more, apply a highlighting powder on the bridge of your nose.
• Don’t forget to wear blush – the flash can make you look washed out.
More tips from famed makeup artist Dick Page
• Mix a little gel bronzer with your foundation to make it slightly warmer.
• Define your eyebrows.
• Use a matte base and eyeshadow in neutral colors.
• Use a gray eyeliner and blend everything very well.
• Use a neutral/tawny blush.
• Use a little non-shimmery bronzer from your cheeks and take it across the bridge of your nose to the other side *lightly* and blend VERY well.
• Use a your-lips-but-better lip color. Do not use gloss, maybe just a little shimmer.
• Chin up slightly and do not smile TOO widely.
• Practice before hand and redo what you like.
HEYY just wanted to say I LOVE YOUR LOOK OF THE NIGHT..looks soo gorgeous and not too much either..but the make up IS alot. MAC make up sems pretty expensive too T_T i realy wanna try the look but do you know any cheaper make up for it? lol x_x
can u believe it? im going to have my pictures taken 2morrow. so dis is very timely. thanx
I need to say it again. You look super cute in “Face of The Night”. OK, can i eat you now? Muahahahha
sure I’ll try to come up with a couple of drugstore knockoffs – just check back in a bit!
jeffrey = been tai lo!!!!! *lol*
thx again sweetie. will practise before the photo day =)
I just want to say I love your blog. I just found it today. And thank god I found this entry, because I’m taking my senior pictures in a couple of days! Thanks for the awesome make-up tips!
I think i`d die with out your tips! im seriously makeup challenged. i mean i can put it on but sure as hell dont know how to do it! asking tips from my friends would make me look stupid and MOST of the time they dont even know! anwyays thanks so much, & wish me lucky tomorrow on picture day! xoxo Lyndsey
Hello Phyllis, I just found your blog and I really love it!! I’m getting married in August and was wondering if you could chuck a few make-up tips, thanks = )
PS I grew up in HK too and I really miss all the goodies over there!
Hello Phyllis, I just found your blog and I really love it!! I’m getting married in August and was wondering if you could chuck a few make-up tips, thanks = )
PS I grew up in HK too and I really miss the goodies over there!