Glossy eyes have always been one of my favorite beauty looks. The subtle sheen can brighten up your eyes instantly and give off a fresh, luminous glow to your whole face. But while the look is pretty to look at, it can get pretty messy too. So here is a brief tutorial on how you can create a natural glossy eye in just a few steps. Hope you guys like it!

What You Will Need
* Vaseline/Clear Gloss. I have tried a few of the eye glosses out there and unfortunately, most of them have failed miserably (and I don’t even have oily lids!)
* Waterproof Eyeliner.
* Waterproof Mascara.

1. Start out with a clean eye area. Remove all traces of makeup and tidy up your eyebrows a bit.
2. If you have discolored eyelids, apply a very thin layer of foundation to even out the discoloration. Otherwise, skip all kinds of base makeup on the eyelid including primer.
3. To really play up the sheen, apply a sheer layer of shimmery beige or white eyeshadow all over the eyelid and a little past the crease.
4. Line your upper and lower lash lines with a charcoal or brown eyeliner to give your eyes more definition. Curl your lashes and apply a few coats of mascara.
5. Pat a thin layer of Vaseline or clear gloss over the eyeshadow. Apply a little at a time and resist the urge to blend or you will end up smudging and rubbing the color off.
6. Clean up the undereye area with a foundation brush dipped in foundation/concealer.
Viola! A clean glossy eye! Check out my other tutorial on how to create a dramatic glossy eye!
Sweet Jesus, your eyes is perfect. I cannot find a flaw in it. Keep up the good work!
that’s so pretty 🙂
what brand fake eyelashes are you wearing…? (you ARE wearing eyelashes right? lol if you’re not im JEALOUS :))
Thanks so much for the tutorial! I’ll definitely try it out. I’ve been wondering how to effectively do the glossy eyed look
lol those are fake lashes right phyllis? you look amazing as always 🙂 xx
i really love this look too!
Love this,, your eyes are very nice,, ! cant week for next week!
sorry for replying so late…
anyways I’m in town right now so ring me up when you want to meet up… 🙂
what kind of false eyelashes are you wearing???
wow how do you make you lashes blend with the falsies?
Thanks so much for the tutorial. I”ll definitely try this out in Thanksgiving and Christmas. Your eyes are really very nice.
hi could i ask, where can i buy Vaseline from? i googled it and stuff but it says its more for the body etc, to make skin smooth:X thanks for the makeup tips its really great(:
aww thanks guys =)
The false lashes are by a Korean brand (Ipum).
Hi, I just wanted to thank you for this tut. I’ve been wanting to do one of these since I saw Gwen Stefani in one of her ads with the glossy eye look.
wow..looks so wonderful!!! nice tutorial…
I find that Vitamin E oil works well too (instead of vaseline)I learned this because ever so often i have eczema on my eyelids…and i use vitamin e oil. Gives the same effect and is ultra moisturizing.
it was fabulous!!!!!!!! thanks alot for sharing