My latest drugstore find is Rimmel London Glam’Eyes Mascara.

Rimmel London Glam'Eyes Mascara
Packaged in an uber sexy black and pale pink tube with a fishnet stocking-looking cap, the Rimmel London Glam’Eyes Mascara came with a thin, comb-like VolumFlex brush with “extra supple, ultra-fine elasto-bristles with 2 short sides for lash building and 2 longer sides for flawless separation” for up to 10 times lash intensity.
Compared to other mascaras, the brush felt much softer and bendier (it literally felt like I would break it!) but it worked really well in getting to the root of your lashes. It also helped add length and volume without clumping.
The formula itself was very smooth and slightly runny. It darkened and intensified my lashes with just a few coats and I love how it dried fairly quickly and you could keep applying to build up the intensity. Plus even though it washed off really easily with warm water, it barely flaked and stayed on all day.
Overall, I like this mascara a LOT and will definitely repurchase.
Rimmel London Glam’Eyes Mascara is available in 2 shades (Black and Extreme Black) at drugstores nationwide for $5.99.
Disclosure: This review contains product that was purchased by us. It may also contain an affiliate link, which gives us a small commission if you purchase the item. Please see our Disclosure for more information on our posting policy.
the package looks sooooooo sexxy!
and it works well too?
im def. going to try it!
thanks phyliss your site is amazinggggggggg<3
I dunno know about this 1, but I dun rlly like Rimmel Mascara. The bottle is really pretty.
I’ll have to give this one a try. Has anyone ever tried Mabelline’s Define-a-Lash mascara?? I heard that works really well too, but haven’t tried it yet.
Do you need to use a lash comb with this mascara?
I did not need to use a lash comb with this – this baby barely clumps.
Wow.. the bottle is very pretty!!
I really want it because of that. Haha…
Thanks for the review!!
the wand is super pretty! ill pick one up next time im at the drugstore =)
can never wear rimmel mascaras,theres something about the smell that i cannot stand in mascaras,and this rimmel one is definetly a no no for me,however,when i first saw it,i think it looks ultra cool.
Thank you for the review, but does this mascara weigh down curls??
I love this mascara! Right when you post it on your blog, about 2 hours later i went out and purchased it. I love the brush, the packaging, and how it really defines my lashes :o)
wow ! yayyy! I can’t wait to go pick this up at my local drugstore thnx so much for the review! ^^
glam’eyes mascara is also available in brown black- the colour i have.
this mascara didn’t really do much for me, it separated my lashes, but did not really lengthen or volumnize it. perhaps it’s my thin eyelashes. pretty packaging though.
After reading your review, I went out and got some. I love it! I usually use estee lauder projectionist mascara, but I definitely choose Glam eyes over it.
Thanks for posting this!!!
I was pretty sceptical abt the Lash Maxx and Glam Eyes but now i feel a lot better abt buying one~
If you have time, could you prettyplease make an entry on Mascara bases????
Thankkyouuu_* =)
Your blog is like my holy grail!!!!
Cyrell: I’ve tried the Mabelline’s Define-a-Lash mascara, I think itès alright especially for the price. The small bristles really get into the small lashes. It didn’t clump, the color intensify with each coat. It dries pretty fast as well. But you need to curl your lashes 1st if you want a bit of volum; it lengthen my short lashes though. There’s a little smell, but if you can bear it, then the mascara is pretty good.
My problem with mascaras is that they always look so dry on me, I want the wet and fresh look! I’ll try this one.
I love this mascara, but can not find it anymore. Is it discontinued? Have tried other ones in this brand,but have not like them. Where can I find this one?
Hi Ann, I did a little research and it does look like the mascara has been discontinued – sorry!
Is there anything like it? I love the wand and I just can’t find another one I like as well. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this product and I’m so sad it’s no longer available!
Hi Kimery,
The closest wand I have found is Bourjois Volume Reveal Mascara.