A lot of you wanted to know if there are ways to make eyes with monolids, i.e. no crease, bigger. So here are a few ways that I know of. Feel free to leave a comment if you can offer more tips =)
1. Makeup
I strongly believe in using the right makeup to enhance what you are born with. A really good example is Taiwanese singer Elva Xiao (蕭亞軒). Below is a picture of Elva when she first started out and a recent picture of her. As you can see, makeup can make a *huge* difference in altering the size of your eyes.

So how exactly can you make your eyes look bigger by using makeup? Follow the tips below and you should see a difference.
• Keep your eyebrows in check to maximize the eye area. Dark, bushy eyebrows can be over-empowering and make your eyes appear smaller. You can also try bleaching your eyebrows a little or using a lighter brow gel.
• Use eyeshadow on both your upper AND lower lid. Blend the shadow on the upper lid from the center outwards, curving it upwards towards the brow in the shape of a wing.
• When you line your bottom lashline with a dark color, try to line the part where your lashes start and not the inner rim. Lining the inner rim can make your eyes smaller.
• Increasing the white area in your eyes can make your eyes appear bigger. You can do this by lining the inner rim of your bottom lashes with a white or nude eye pencil.
• Find a pair of fake eyelashes that is right for your eye shape and make it your bff. False lashes can instantly make your eyes look 100 times bigger. It has been reported that Elva wears four layers of falsies every day! But one hour + 4 layers of lashes is a little too much for ordinary people like us. Hit up your nearest drugstore or Sally’s Beauty Supply and pick up a pair of Ardell false lashes (~$4-5) instead. Some good picks for Asian eyes are #109 and #110.

If you want something more natural, you can also try Ardell Duralash ($3-5). They are mini individual lashes used to increase lash density or to fill in gaps along your natural lashes. These can also be applied just to the outer corners without appearing fake or unnatural.

2. Eyelid Glue and Tape
Besides makeup, you can also create a crease with the use of one of the most popular Asian beauty gadgets, eyelid glue or eyelid tape. The eyelid glue is normally applied on the eyelid before a v-shaped applicator/fork is used to push the skin in to create a fold. Here is a clip on how it is done by Koji, a Japanese brand that specializes in eye and nail products.
The tape works in similar way but takes more practice to use. In most cases, you have to trim the tape to make sure it fits the shape of your eye and it can feel a little uncomfortable. The tape is also not as natural and if you are not wearing any eye makeup with it, it can look a little weird. The good thing however, is you can wear it even when you are sleeping. A friend of mine used the tape religiously day and night (even while she was sleeping) for a couple of years and one morning, she woke up with a crease and she has had a crease ever since. I don’t know if this method really works but I guess it is worth a try since it is not as risky as surgery.
Below is Elva and other celebrities spotted with eyelid tape:

Read more about the eyelid tape here!
3. Double Eyelid Surgery
Finally, we have the double eyelid surgery, aka Asian blepharoplasty. It has always been a HUGE thing in Asia, especially in Japan and Korea. The procedure can cost up to $3,500 in the US but only about $800 to $1,200 in Korea. The surgery will open up your eye and make applying eye makeup easier. However, results vary and you may not always end up looking better. Asymmetry, exaggerated folds, eyelashes pointing at different angles, eyelids that lose the fold after a couple years, unwanted extra “accessory” lines and eyes that appear unnaturally large are all some of the potential side effects. Plus surgery is surgery, there is always the risk of infection, scarring and blindness.
Looking for more Asian beauty tips? Check out How To Create Depth With Eyeshadow and How To Apply Dark Eye Makeup on Asians!
Hi! (I was the one who asked about the 3 in mascara, and yea sadly there is none). The using two at a time works, I’ve done it before :] it did make a big difference but for asian girls we tend to use more strokes and then it makes my lashes look fake. My brother looked at me and said they looked fake – _ -;
Anyways, just to comment on making your eyes bigger.. It really depends on the person’s eyes. I have been using the tape and glue for around three years and I still do not, to this day, have the big crease/double eyelid. It’s really frustrating! Sometimes I use the tape alone (and it gives me better results), and the next few days (say a week) i’ll have the double line but the next week it reverts back to normal. The Koji products in my opinion don’t work very well. I own the one from the website (koji eye putti, the pink one) and it only keeps the double line for about an hour and it disappears after. So I’ve tried putting on the tape AND the glue over it, which works, but doesn’t keep the line after it’s taken off. The tape works better.
And fake eyelashes, wouldn’t you have to buy new ones every so often since you can only use them once?
wow i talked alot, sorry! Thanks for this lovely blog :] my name is Mabel by the way, nice to meet you ^_^
if u want to actually create a lasting crease, make sure ur always sticking or taping over the same line, or else it will never be permanent cos u have a new line every so often 😀 i cut strips off bandaid instead of tape LOl i think it has more staying and forming power
^^Wendy how did u do dat?0.0
and thanks very much for doing htis.Love the video hehe.It’s so kewl, amazes me.
Where can I purchase the tape and glue?
Can I find it in any asian beauty shop or special order online?
If so…gimme all the details!
This is my first hearing about these eye gadgets and excited to try them!
You should be able to find them in Asian beauty stores and online too. Try sites like neobeauty or daybeauty.
the glue/tape really works
my friend, like yours also wore it religiously and after like a year she didnt need the glue.
Don’t use glue.
By using glue, your lids would be stretched each time you blink, having been glued to the other parts of the lid. Say we blink 2000 times a day…that’s equivalent to stretching the skin on your eyelid 2000 times a day. What’s the result of this? Permanent droopy eyes.
Therefore, do not use glue.
phyllis, how do you put on fake eye lashes on the bottom part of your eye…i’ve been trying to figure out a way to put lashes on my bottom line for years now but always unsuccessful…any suggestions…? thanks …linna
hey Linna, I think picking the right pair of falsies for your lower lashes is extremely crucial to make it work. For the most natural result, do not go for those long spidery ones (pick something short and not too thick). Also, using a clip would help a LOT. Here’s a picture of me with falsies on top and bottom:
Hope that helps!
I love your site. Hope you don’t mind me stopping frequently. Thanks.
first off, i love your website. it seems to be the only website that actually gives useful makeup slash everything else for an asian girl. I am korean and I don’t have a double eyelids. I still go to school, i also look young for my age and i want to make my eyes look bigger then they really are. I don’t want so much dramatic makeup on and i also wear contacts. i have braces and i have full lips. any ideas on what would make my eyes more noticable and make me look older?
I was wondering… how exactly do you use eye tape?
actually, having thinner eyebrows makes the space between your eyes and eyebrows bigger, thus, making the eyes look even smaller.
I stumbled across this website when I was searching for more info regarding double eye lid tape.
How to make it up so that people won’t know I am wearing the tape?
I tried concealer but it’s not working, it’s making my tape more visible.
just letting people know that normal glue works just as well (:
just put on some glue using one of those cheap mini gluesticks and use something pointed to push it into your eye (like in the eye talk video) this works for me, and it stays the whole day ^^
it might sound strange, but we’re asian, and some of us are desperate AND cheap, so instead of buying the products, you can use normal glue or normal double sided tape instead =D
If the glue did stretch your eyelid, it would only stretch it enough for you to have a natural double eyelid =]
hello guyz..
well i havent got creases as well n im do desperate to have eye crease so, askin for favour guyzz…. hope u would help..ahhhhh can we get this product in london as well?thanks..(lux)
Hi! I am trying the glue now after mastering the tape. I actually developed the double eyelid (tapered, not parallel) on my left eye but my double eyelid starts at the midpoint of my right eye so if I cannot line them evenly. The tape is OK but I found the drawback to it is that I can only use liquid liner on it and it looks too harsh for daytime wear.
I also have to use two separate pieces of pre-cut eyelid tape to get the right amount of double eyelid so I’ve been advised from my former aesthetician (from HK no less) to use the rolls of eyelid tape, not the pre cut kind you peel off like stickers.
Hello!! I’m so glad I stumbled upon your beauty blog! 🙂 I am wondering if you know how to make the crease/double eye lid more prominent?? I have double eye lids, but whenever I am tired the skin just droops over, making the crease area very small, and sometimes it won’t even show in pictures!! I tried putting dark coloured eye shadow in the crease and it did make somewhat of a difference but I am just wondering if there are other methods! Thanks in advance!!!
to Winnie , i have doublee eyelids like you, but i have allergies and my eyes get puffy, again leaving the eyelid line less noticeable. For me, i used the Olay Eye Definer, and its a cream that tightens the lid while cooling it, thus helping in both my allergies and tired eyelid problems. You can try it out first at any beauty store, and it does leave your eyes looking AND feeling better. hope this helps. =)
heyo~~ i lurrv ur site!!theres so many gud tips for asians that are soo hard to find~!
i got a questions though ><''
my eyes..are mm…kinda retarded lol my right eye has a half eye lid in the corner, and the other one…sometimes has an eyelid ( but most of the time..theres nofing T^T ) so i tried to glue and tape, but because of my right eyes half eyelid, its sooooo hard to make it even, plus….theres lyk 2 creases -_-” what can i do!?! xD
Hi, I love your blog! i came across it just a few weeks ago and im always coming back to look around! 😀 i was wondering if putting eyemakeup over tape will cover it up enough to fool others. or will it show even more?
i love your blogs!
you are really talented.
can you put makeup over the glue? tape?
hey! i love your site! thanks for all the cool stuff you put up! i was wondering the same thing as what “anonymous” said in the comment before mine
Hi, I just found your website and I love it!!! I’d like to know about the crease glue, where can I buy some? I live in Los Angeles, CA and I would love to try it. Thanks
You can try those asian beauty stores in Monterey Park. I’ve definitely seen the glue there when I lived in LA.
wow..*points up*
does any glue actually work??
LOL =)
hello ^^
I’m half Korean, but i look slightly more like my father, who’s white. I was wondering if anyone knew any advice on how to emphasized my eyes to look *more* Asian. I have a small double eyelid, but I don’t like it. I live in a big Asian community and want to, well, not blend in, just not stand out too much. Please help <3
Eye lid glue is awesome. I’ve been using it for almost 3 years. No droopy effect.
As for the half Korean and Half white. Use a liquid eye makeup and make a line on the outside corner to make a slanty look. More darker makeup makes your eyes smaller.
if you use the tape for couple of years like your friend did, does the crease stay permanent for most people?
I was born with a crease so I’m not 100% sure on that one. It seems to work for some and not for others but hey it never hurts to try right?
I’ve seen the eyelid glue on ebay, and was tempted to buy it to try it out, but after reading your post now I’m definatly going to try it out. I love reading about make up tips.
Hi there,
I use eyelid tape to balance my “imbalanced eyes” – double eyelid on the left and single on the right 🙁 The tape that I got in Asia is almost used up and eyelid tape is nowhere to be seen in New York. Does anybody have any idea where I can get them or even on the Internet?
I used regular old scotch tape for 1 year and the crease stays now without the tape. Just cut out a small square piece of tape and strategically place it on your eye. After a matter of time, the crease stays there permanently.
Sometimes the crease disappears but I just have to retrain the crease with a flat edge and it stays.
why don’t you just use superglue so it’ll be permanent
I think parents should start taping their baby’s eyes so they dont have to deal with this crap. By the time they’re in their teens, they will be so grateful!
But really, its nice to know y’all are out there, especially when all your friends are white.
I know this sounds unbelievable, but is true. I was born no creases, in other words, very mono-lided. This, however changed when I was 13 years old. One night, I was pulling an all nighter, doing homework that was due the next day, and slept for 3 hours that night (i know it sounds like nothin but when u’re 13, parents dont you stay up like that). The next morning, I had double eyelids, that were not that prominent, but still more obvious than the ones you get from sticking tape over your eye(the crease isn’t very deep, in most cases).I tried to make the crease stay and more prominent by “carving” it with a ruler. Ive had a deep crease over both eyes ever since, which I emphasize by lining it with brown liquid eye-liner (looks natural if you do it properly). I always get comments that I look half caucasian, that’s how dramatic the change has been with my eyes. I’d say that my eyes looked like elva’s BEFORE eyes, when I was a kid. People have even suspected that Ive undergone eyelid surgery. So, the point that I wanted to make is that, people with monolids CAN naturally create creases over the eyes, its possible and can be done without surgery.
How long did you carve it for?
Hello! happen to pass by your blog and saw this post.
i actually have an single lid in one eye and another double lid in another eye.
so it is hard for me to get both eye to double lid as i was born to be like this.
so,i would like to ask if this double eyelid tape or glue can be found in singapore and do you mind specific the places to get it?(:
Haha, does super gluing ur eyelid work??
hey does anyone know where to find Koji Natural Eye Talk Double Eyelid Glue in Singapore?
Hi, your blog is really informative, and i really love all your tips and pictures on eye makeup.
I have single eyelids as well, and I started using the tape and the glue. So far the tape works for me, but liek you mentioned it can be quite fake looking, if not weird. I do wear them to sleep sometimes, and now I have sort of a permanent crease on my left eye, but my right remains single.
I tried the glue, but I find it too sticky, especially when you use eye shadow, it will appear pasty- the eye shadow sticking to the glue.
I find taht when I wear fake lashes, those thicker ones will create creases on your lids whihc is great. I am thinking of doing the eye lid surgery, but not quite convinced how good it will look.
hey ~ i was wondering which eyelid glue brand is the best? and if anyone has had any allergic reactions to them?
i have double eyelids, but i stay up late doing homework and such and my eyes will get all puffy and my eyes will droop
i’ve tried my friends eyelid glue and it worked perfectly
only problem is she got it in korea
and i live in Irvine California
any suggestions on where to get it?
can you tell me a good way to hide tape with light makeup or eyeliner?
thanks! i love your site!
Am I the only one who thinks the “before” picture looks better?
Poor disillusioned women. DO NOT buy into the Madison Avenue mentality that to look better you need to drastically alter your appearance…eye glue…indeed. And don’t give me that ‘improved vision’ line either. Orientals have been getting along without this crap for eons. Do yourself a favor and just deal with the eyes that you have, naturally.
A Never Suprised by Anything Anymore Average White Guy.
I’m glad you’re opposed to the surgery, but why is everyone so obsessed with the double lid? It’s not better. It’s just different! Respect what you were born with.
Eyelid skin is fragile–leave it alone, put on the makeup that you like, and be happy with yourself.
Elva looked better before.
I personally prefer the glue to the tape. Gives me just the right look and brings the boys to the yard.
This is all such a waste of money and time. Be proud of your heritage and your eyes as they are. Don’t be fooled by western notions of “beauty”.
I love eye creases, don’t get me wrong, but I find this a bit excessive. I’d rather take the surgery. It’s worth it. Crease Surgery. Yea.
Dear Ladies,
you already have lovely eyes I can see no reason for “westernising” them.
Be proud of your heritage.
You look great already, no need for glue or anything.
Pol x
a gaichin scotsman
I agree with you that people should be proud of their heritage but I think people need to be aware that there are plenty of asians (those of oriental descent) which naturally have double eye-lids.
I would not say it is a ‘westernization’ but it just so happens double eyelids expose more of the eye.
wow i can’t beleive the lengths asian women go to. in my opinion, part of the reason asian women are so beautiful(i’m a white woman)is their uniquely shapped eyes. why even bother with this?
Girls, please! You’re so beautiful just the way you are, please don’t try to conform to Western ‘norms’. I am Western and many of my Western friends are jealous because our men find you so attractive.
everyone that has been telling these girls that they don’t need to “westernize” themselves, well haven’t you ever thought that maybe these girls aren’t satisfied with what they look like and just wants a confidence boost when they see themselves in the mirror? i understand that you should be happy with what God gave you, but if you don’t have confidence, then you wont be content.
being vain is a cost most girls are willing to pay.
I am with eunmi on this, as I am 1/3 chinese and always wanted to look more asian. So it’s almost like you always want what you don’t have.
My eyes are weird.
They go from semi-lidded to HUGELY lidded randomly from day to day.
A tip that I have created myself is closing your eyes and pressing your fingertips on your eyelashes & then opening your eyes looking upwards several times. Just don’t press too hard, your eyelashes might fall off.
And does sticky tape work?
I was just wondering for those days when my eyes are being semi.
I am living proof that double eye lid tape WORKS. I wore it everyday (even during bedtime) for almost 2 months and obtained double eyelids (in 2005)! They are not huge creases but they look natural and enhances my appearance greatly! Now, 3 years later, I still have these creases! Sometimes when I am tired they do go away but they come back the next day. You can always put the tape back on for a day or two. Other ways to make your eyes look bigger naturally are: fake eyelashes and circular lens!
Hi! I’m very glad I’ve found this site. I’m from Korea but I live in Europe and I’ve searched for something like this for ages. Here no one has problems wit htheir eyelids… I now this product is found on e-bay, but I would like to buy it from a shop, not a private person, do you know any more site selling it?
Please also send the answer to my mail.
Hi, your Homepage is really cool but I live Austria, Vienna and I dont know where I can buy the eyelid glue or tape here. And where I can buy the glue and tape in Taiwan?
I know someone who did the surgery, but after a few months the obtained effect wasn’t there, in fact: she now has gone back to having single eyelids + scars over her eyelids.
It’s not my intention to judge anyone, but I do think that everyone’s eyes should be handled with care, as they are really really important. Using regular glue that’s meant for use with cardboard and paper and such can’t be 100% healthy. Those products contain dissolvants and what else.
Also, growing up as an asian kid between virtually only westerners, of course I’ve heard them kid about asian eyes being tiny and small. But they only do it because their brother or sister also did it. Do they really mean what they say? No, they’re just copying what every bully says.
What I don’t think is a good reaction, is to think that there’s something really wrong with your eyes, or even worse: having friends or family saying that typical asian eyes aren’t pretty.
To me, people with single eyelids who are trying to enhance their look by using make-up (I mean like eyeshadow, not the glue/tape) and try to embrace their natural look, are the winners. Because -yes it’s corny – you’re using what God gave you. And who are you to decide he didn’t do a good job?
And last thing I would like to say is: ppl please don’t convince others that their eyes aren’t beautiful just because they’ve single eyelids. It doesn’t mean you can’t be happy or that you can’t get a proper job, or have a relationship. I mean, COME ON!!!
You can get glue and tape on EBAY.
I just bought some today from a Japanese grocery store. It is not that easy to use… and when I close my eyes after it’s dry it looks odd.. like the skin doesn’t look smooth. I do have partial double eyelids.. one side is full double eyelid and the other side isn’t. After using it.. It makes my eyes look rounder, my caucasian husband actually said he can see the difference and he’s not oppose to it as long as i’m happy and not hurting myself. It’s part of being a girl I think… just like putting makeup on or doing our hair… it’s all about enhancing the looks, not that we try to be WHITE I think that is a ridiculous saying. I think some people have issue with us asian girls trying to create double eyelids is because first of all it’s a random strange thing to do and it’s not commonly heard of and second of all if you don’t have that asian eyelids you wouldn’t get it. Kind of like if a white girl try to dye her hair black it is no biggie but if an asian girl wants to go blonde? My parents are very traditional and yes they sure got something to say about that! So why do WHITE women go tanning? to be black or mexican? lol
Having a crease isnt as great as the make it seem. I have naturally big eyes and trust me, it is very easy for them to get dried out.
Also when wearing eyeshadow and the like rubs off easier, even with the non crease makeup. Yea sure every on thinks there cute,but they can be less of a blessing than most think.
Hello Phyliss!
Thank you for all your tips! I hope you can help prevent some risky surgeries from happening! You are a totally gorgeous girl… 🙂
By the way darling readers, I just want you to know that from expereince, a lot of Western and Latino men enjoy our Asian beauty… some of them do not even mind our creaseless eyes… They find our feminity, gentle ways very refreshing… (not all of us Asians are gentle and feminine… but quite a lot of us are.) I just wanted you to know that someone somewhere will find you attractive.
So, so what if you can not have a creased eye lids?
Having said that… it is good to learn good makeup technics as long as it does not take too much of our time and attention from the more important issue of truly living life! 🙂
It is in our attitude that people find us attractive too. When we smile from the heart, look at life positively, love ourselves and others… be generous with compliments, praises… being open to learning new things… and people will be drawn to us.
I look forward to applying some new technic for eye shadows and eye liner. Maybe even buy my first pair of `falsies’! Thanks again lovely Phyliss!
Have fun ladies!
Warm Regards from new Zealand
Amanda Tomasoa
New Zealand Artist
Hey! I recently bought the D-UP wonder eyelid tape because everyone says this is brand is the best! but here is the problem one my left eye when i put it on it look so cute then on my right eye it doesn’t work at all!! is it because my right eye has no crease and my left eye has a little crease but you just cant see it. well i recently saw what you post about using eye glue..does that stuff come off?? just wondering…so should i start using two different product tape on left eye and glue on right??
Elva Hsiao had double eyelid surgery, just fyi. she has admitted in public
Yes but the picture was taken in 2006 before she had surgery.
Try BigEyes double eyelid cream. That works as well, if nit better.
Personally as a full-blooded asian, I am EXTREMELY offended by the assumption that because I want double eyelids, I am trying to “westernize” myself. I have no desire to look white. I am extremely proud and happy with my asian characteristics.
The thing you “oh poor asian girls don’t try to change yourself!” people aren’t understanding is that double eyelids have been considered beautiful in asian cultures long before the idea of “western beauty is better” came about.
A double lid opens up the eyes and makes them look bigger, which IS NOT trying to look white. Big eyes are beautiful in ANY culture.
Stop patronizing us. Why do you have to make it sound like we’re suffering some kind of self-esteem disorder when we want double eyelids? It’s a cosmetic difference, like eyeliner or false lashes.
I agree with tal. I found these tips refreshing, and I thought, if I do not have double eyelids when I turn 25 years old, I am getting the surgery. But now that I realize that things can go wrong, as listed above, I would actually try the eyelid glue method. The tape was too difficult. Either the tape was not sticky by the time I positioned it right, or I cannot cut out the right shape.. or the tape still shows after I apply it. I prefer the glue, though I have not tried it, but it looks a lot easier.
I actually have one of my eyes bigger than another, so it annoys me because one of my eyebrows is also higher than another. Anyway, I could make double eyelids if I open my eyes really wide and carefully let it down, and it will make a temporary double eyelid for quick pictures or just to show for a moment.
I am considering on trying to use the glue and maybe sooner or later, the creases become permanent, because it seems that it does work, and it worked with my aunt.
I agree with tal because it is really hard for non-Asians to say that Asian eyes are nice as they are. I have eyes that are somewhat small too, and if you are not in the position, you would not know how it feels to have small eyes. Just like those who have “big” noses or small breasts. It is not an idea to “Westernize” myself, believe me, that is the last thing I want to do. I want it because I like bigger eyes.
I have to agree with tal as well, I’m fully chinese with single lids and from how I see it, many girls are NOT interested in looking western at all. That’s not their intentions, most of the time, it’s to do with make up or just having larger eyes, nothing to do with western eyes. It’s a deep rooted beauty ideal in most parts of asia.
More than half of ‘asians’ do not have single eye lids either, I have plenty of relatives and friends of oriental descent that have natural double eyelids. It is a fact that many young girls want bigger eyes but never have I heard any girl say she wants western eyes…
I’ve heard of a comparison to nose jobs. The number of eyelid surgeries amongst asians have been skyrocketing, but it’s something more noticeable than let’s say…a nose job. Especially when Caucasians are usually making their noses smaller. How about boob jobs? Are they not also changing your natural looks in a way?
It’s a mixture of culture influence and intentions, simply because white people naturally have something asians are getting does not mean they want to be them.
DOES THE gLUE AFFECT ANYTHING… WILL Poking your Eyelids harm anythingg?
The glue will not harm your eyelids. It is similar to the glue you use for applying fake lashes. The worst that can happen is an allergic reaction so make sure you check the ingredients list if you have sensitive skin.
getting double eyelids has nothing and i mean NOTHING to do with westernizing ourselves. gosh, u western people are so full of yourself. a ton of asian people have double eyelids okay? people wanna have double eyelids to make their eyes accentuated and stuff, but still asian eyes. they want asian double eyelids.
Not necessarily true. I know Asians who have the crease- my mom, for example, is Chinese with very heavily lidded eyes and defined crease but had no idea about the whole crease issue. That is until she started meeting other Asian women who would ask her how she got ‘the Western eyes’ and look at her stupidly when she said she was born that way. Creases are not very common on Asians and more often than not, those with creases don’t have very obvious ones. It took me forever to notice a difference- even on my own mother and hers are far more defined than most.
=( You forgot my favorite! Circle lenses!
Such a nice website!
definetly, i would try this ^^
I woke up one day with double eyelid on one eye and it stayed permanently. I still have it, had it since 7th grade. My other eye has a smaller double eyelid which is just my natural eyes, and now Ive decided to use the tape because since my double eyelids arent too thick, my eyes are gonna form the double eyelid naturally after a few times I’m gonna use it so please stop doing surgery and just dedicate ur time in doin this. Just put the tape on how u want ur double eyelid, then get one cube of ice and put it on top of the double eyelid with ur eyes opened. That way it covers the tape and also kind of relaxes the fat on ur eye. That’s what I do. My mom did this tape
Thing and now has permanent double eyelid. She’s 50 now an still has em.
How long did you use the tape and would it work for a completely creaseless monolid eye??
I personally think that monolids are gorgeous. I am not Asian, but seriously wouldn’t mind having single eyelids (not that I would go and get surgery to achieve this). I have a bunch of Asian friends who wear circle lenses, tape and use a weird “glue/fork” thing to give them a temporary fold in their eyelids. If I were Asian, I would be rocking the single eyelid look. I think that it really is gorgeous, and most eye makeup looks so much nicer on their eyes, especially eyeliner. The only downside is that most monolids have really short, straight lashes, but even then, it’s nothing that mascara/eyelash curler, or even falsies/eyelash extensions can’t fix! x
“If I were Asian, I would be rocking the single eyelid look. I think that it really is gorgeous, and most eye makeup looks so much nicer on their eyes, especially eyeliner.”
Hm. Interesting you say that. I have single eyelids, and have found eyeliner to be the biggest waste of money possible for me. Eyeliner is completely invisible on my eyes when they’re open, unless I use enough to put a mall goth to shame.
First of all, it’s so refreshing to find a website that does tutorials for makeup application for Asian eyes! Most of the time when I find tutorials for eye makeup, half of the tips don’t apply to my eyes since I don’t have as much to work with…brow bone, crease… forget it! It’s through my own practice and experiment that I found ways to do make up for my eyes, including how to pick the right kind of fake lashes that fit! I have the tiniest crease that sits just above my lash line, and I’m interested to try the stickers! I’m just thinking if i have a more obvious crease there’s so much more options in how to do my make up.
To respond to some comments here, I’d like to say that there are parts of myself that I fully embrace, but there’s also others that I wish I can enhance. And there are strange things that some Asians do to achieve the creases on their eyes, but that goes to the same with women who use lip plumping products, or even straightening your hair when you were born with gorgeous waves. So everyone, just relax. This is a good forum to come to and find out what others are doing, but don’t take it so personally.
I am Chinese and have monolids I don’t wear makeup partly because I cant figure it out but I would never want to wear false lashes all the time have glue on my eye or get surgery, I know a Vietnamese girl who has very large eyes and longer eyelashes than a lot of caucasion people at my school( I wish my lashes were like hers!)
I’m one lucky Asian cuz i already have a crease lol. It’s not huge like anne hathaway’s or something, its small but goes perfectly with my eyes since that’s small too hehe. and i agree with tal, stop saying we’re trynna westernise ourselves cuz seriously, black people also have huge eyes, so do arabs and so do indians(from the asian continent). they’re not white by race. Anyways, i just wnat to say to all the women out there that each one every one of you are beautiful in every single way regardless of your race and ethnicity. you know what, if EVERY one had same qualities, then the world would be a very noring place so its nice we all have different traits and everything cuz it makes the world more exotic. xxx
“A double lid opens up the eyes and makes them look bigger, which IS NOT trying to look white. Big eyes are beautiful in ANY culture.”
I’m sorry but big eyes are absolutely not an obsession in the Western world like it is in Asia. There are beautiful European or American actresses with small eyes and it’s not even worth noticing for us. Beauty canons are definitely not the same around the world even if there are some common issues.
As for me, I don’t like double-eyelid surgery because it is very conventional (many actresses for ex with the same eye shape which is supposed to give them the same “innocent” look…) and because it looks quite unnatural most of the time. When I look for ex at Japanese female singers with double eyelid surgery, I see women with ugly huge eyes like manga characters, eyes that don’t even go with the rest of the face. It’s ridiculous.
In fact what most people don’t understand is that the shape of the eye goes with the shape of the upper part of the face. People with monolids have a rather flat nasal bridge. That’s why most Caucasian children have epicanthal fold, but it fades as soon as the nasal bridge grows since this growing process pulls the skin. Doing surgery on such a crucial part as the eye breaks the overall harmony of the face and is certainly not prettier.
I’m really glad that the conventional trend of double eyelid surgery is fading out a bit among Korean male stars for example. Korea has such an incredible amount of gorgeous guys with single-eyelids, it should inspire everyone. I hope one day the female stars will follow this good example… but female always have more pressure on them as far as appearance is concerned, we all know that.
And here I am wishing I had single eyelids o.o Wanna swap?? xDD
Western people who thinks that Asian eyes are beautiful, that’s Awesome. However, a lot of white people say Asian eyes looks squint and closed and stuff. I know, I’ve heard it all my life. Even in jest, it’s quite obvious about others opinions. And no offense but unless you’ve lived in someone’s shoes it’s kind of difficult to know what it’s like. Besides, it’s a statistic that 50% of Asians have a double eyelid. And so do many other non Caucasian people. And it’s not true that Caucasians don’t prefer to make their eyes bigger too because many do. People of all races to through all lengths to get bigger boobs and thinner stomachs and all that. I’m not justifying any of it, but it’s all relative.
Comment: Can i use the double eyelid tape even though I have no creases in my eyes??