NARS has kicked their legendary Orgasm Blush up a notch and released NARS Super Orgasm Blush!

NARS Orgasm and Super Orgasm Blush
Available exclusively at Sephora, NARS Super Orgasm ($25) is a shimmery peachy pink with golden flecks of glitter. Compared to the original, this new blush showed up more pigmented, slightly pinker and instead of heavy golden shimmer, you get actual flecks of glitter! And like all NARS blushes, the texture is smooth and the color lasts all day! If you are a fan of Orgasm like me, definitely check this out!

NARS Orgasm and Super Orgasm Blush

NARS Orgasm and Super Orgasm Blush
i will always stay faithful to my gorgeous nars orgasm… have been using it for years now! 😀
but the super orgasm does look super sexy 😉
could you put up a photo of yourself wearing both (if you own both – i’m assuming you do bc of the picture) so we can see the pigmentation difference? i’m wondering if the super orgasm look can be achieved simply with increased application of regular orgasm…
I love ur blog!!! Keep up the good work!
Hi Phyllis, I’m from Brazil and I really love your blog (I’ve just discovered it…)!!!
I love all kind of issues about make up and beauty, and you write it so easy!!!
Hello >.< I really like your blog but i was wondering if you could do other posts about tutorial or something like that and not just reviews or posts about new make up collection? Because its what I always see and i not everyone can buy new stuff all the time. Thanks 🙂
I just got it from Sephora two days ago. Great color! The gold flecks are pretty…and the husband loves the name.
i´m a big fan of the regular orgasm blush, and i absolutely want the super one. unfortunatly we haven´t got sephora anywhere near sweden so i have to get it from ebay =(
OMG that is a turned up O! I must consider getting it even though I usually shy away from super shimmery blush.
What a beautiful blog you have !
This would have been perfect if you swatched the blushes to show the comparison !