Mark your calendars girls! MAC has teamed up with Mattel to develop a Barbie collection and the release date for the US is February 15th. This is *too* hot!

* Modern Ms – Brick red with silver pearl (frost)
* Sweet & Single – Silvered plum with multicolored pearl (lustre)
* Style It Up – Light muted pink with subtle gold pearl (frost)
* Real Doll – Light bubblegum pink (lustre)
* Rocking Chick – Frosted fuchsia with blue pearl (frost)
* Sweetness – Light baby pink with multicolored pearl (frost)
* Malibu Barbie – Frosted fuchsia with multicolored pearl (frost)
* Fashion Pack – Light neutral peach (cream)
* Happening Gal – Reddish plum with gold pearl (frost)
Cremestick Pearl Liner
* Honey B. – Light neutral beige
* Plum Royale – Plum with bronze pearl
* Cranapple – Vibrant red pink
Eyeshadow (classic black casing with Barbie icon embossed onto the product)
* Mothbrown – Smoky charcoal grey (frost)
* Playful – Bright clean pink (satin)
* Springtime Skipper – Minty green with gold pearl (veluxe pearl)
* Whistle – Pastel pink (veluxe pearl)
* Beautyburst – Rich reddish brown (satin)
* Magic – Dust Soft white gold (frost)
Liquidlast Liner
* Point Black – True Black
* Visionaire – Clean baby pink
* Classic Dream – White gold
Loud Lash
* Noisy Black – Black
Powder Blush
* Don’t Be Shy – Bright clean pink
* Fab – Plum with gold pearl
* Loves Pink – Pink with gold pearl
* Fashion Leader – Rich reddish bronze
Beauty Powder
* Pearl Sunshine – Soft peach with pink pearl
* Pearl Blossom – Light, clean pink with silver pearl
Nail Lacquer
* Steamy – Hot ’n steamy pink
* Toast of the Town – Tarnished brown with green and red multidimensional pearl
* 182 Brush – Buffer
whoaa hah tha’ts so cute.^^ how often do they come out with new shades and new collections? O_O haha they must be running out of colours=P
i recently got the teal jade eyeliner thingg, 🙂 it’s pretty good and i have the gold mine eyeshadow. hehe my collection is growing! i have 2 eyeshadows, one eyeliner, 1 pigment and a foundation ( that i gave away )
good for you! Yes MAC is coming out with new collections like every month now and a lot of the colors are really similar to each other.
what are your thoughts on the current Raquel beauty powder?
I think classic barbie is cute! I think it’s the line that will save from m.a.c raquel welsh mistake of a line. I know they try to target the older woman but come on, m.a.c is your 18-34 market when it comes down to it. but cute reguardless
I’m 48 and I buy MAC all the time. My sister and I, both in our 40’s, bought some of the Barbie colletion that went on sale here in NYC yesterday. I’ve always been a makeup junkie and that’s not going to change because I’m not 22 anymore.
Afterall, Barbie is our age. We also both were able to get the doll which sold out within hours. We collect dolls and this one really was beautiful.
that’s awesome Denise!! how are you liking the collection so far? It’s not coming out until March over here in London =(
I love this collection. I’m 41. I actually don’t think Mac is just for 18-35 and I also don’t think the Raquel Welch collection was too old fashioned. I loved it. I have her coloring so everything in that collection worked really well on me.
Barbie Loves Mac is adorable. I love, love, love it!!But overall, it’s too pinky for me. I bought Modern Ms. and Happening gal. I missed my chance at the a few other items,I should have gotten them from the Pro site when I got my launch invitation. Oh well. There aren’t many MLB things left at the counter. sigh
My friend bought the whole set and she looks wonderful in the beauty powder. This is really her look. She’s very dewy. Dewy doesn’t work for me.
Love your blog!