Besides the Mineralize Skinfinishes, there are 5 new Mineralize Blush Duos ($23) in the latest M·A·C In The Groove Collection.

Unlike the mineralize blush duos previously released in the Too Fabulous Collection, these new duos come with a shimmery color on one side and a satin color on the other. The satin side is really smooth but the shimmery side has a chunkier texture. The colors are also too similar to the previous mineralize blushes. I’m just not that thrilled with these.
• Happy Together is a shimmery light beige with light caramel.
• Hang Loose, a baby pink with shimmery lavender, looks really pretty in the pan but the purple hardly shows up on me.
• A Little Bit of Sunshine is a darker, warmer version of Happy Together and a duo of shimmery warm peach and bronze. Very similar to Chic Couple.
• Band of Roses, the darkest, smoothest and most pigmented out of the bunch, is a blue-based hot pink with shimmery burgundy. It If I had to pick one duo from this collection, this will be it.
• New Vibe pairs a rose with shimmery bronze. The colors are almost identical to Bi-Tone. The bronze also has a really gritty texture.

Left to right: Band of Roses, New Vibe, A Little Bit of Sunshine, Hang Loose and Happy Together
cant wait to try it!
I thought these duos look a lot like last years Grand Duos and Too Fabulous collections. I think Band of Roses is pretty but it looks a lot like Love Rock, only less shimmery.
I have Love Rock and Band of Roses is a lot darker with more red undertones.