At Alberta Ferretti Spring/Summer 2014, makeup artist Lucia Pieroni working for M·A·C Cosmetics teamed up with Redken Creative Consultant Guido to create a look that is “gorgeous, young, fresh, whimsical and romantic”.

Face Prep + Prime Skin Smoother – blended over hydrated skin to smooth and perfect texture.
Studio Finish SPF 35 Concealer – applied as needed for a minimal, fresh effect to skin.
Groundwork Pro Longwear Paint Pot – sculpted over cheekbones, across the bridge of nose, forehead and chin to contour.
Have A Lovely Day! Casual Colour (available Spring/Summer 2014) – patted high over cheekbones for a flush of colour.
M·A·C Eye Brows – shade appropriately chosen and used to balance and perfect brows.
Clear Brow Set – combed upwards through the brow to define and groom.
Groundwork Pro Longwear Paint Pot – brushed over the eyelid, through the socket, and under eyes using 224 Tapered
Blending Brush.
April in Paris and Cultivating Chic from Spring 14 Trend Forecast/Eye – mixed together and blended over the eyelids.
M·A·C Rose Sparkle Eye Liner (available Spring/Summer 2014) – washed over the eyelids with the 195 Concealer Brush for a soft pinky dimension of glitter over eyes.
Lashes are well curled to finish.
Studio Finish SPF 35 Concealer – patted into conditioned lips using fingertips and blotted with a tissue afterwards to soften the natural tone of lips to finish.
Redken Creative Consultant Guido refrained from hairspray altogether at Alberta Ferretti, opting for a more undone look this season. Instead, Guido applied guts 10 root targeted volume spray foam to create as much natural texture and volume as possible. Before loosely braiding the hair, Guido used a curling iron around the hairline to create even more volume.
“The messy structure of the braid resembles a hairstyle one might imagine a peasant girl wearing during the Renaissance. While the look itself is quite simply, the style is soft and very romantic.” explained Guido.

Images: ImaxTree.
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