Here are the new MAC Viva Glam Gaga and Cyndi Lipsticks swatches as promised!

MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Swatch

MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipstick Swatch
Check out my reviews and more pictures of the Viva Glam Gaga and Cyndi Lipsticks!
Here are the new MAC Viva Glam Gaga and Cyndi Lipsticks swatches as promised!
I love the MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick. I tried out the Cyni Lauper one at the store its not too bad. But i still like my Viva Glam SE better 🙂
You apply lipstick so perfectly, any tips?
Thanks Julie =) I will write an entry on this topic shortly.
Oh, they look so good! (Great lips, btw!) I can’t decide which one is nicer … so I guess I’ll get both 😛 I especially like how Cyndi’s look a little coral, as I love coral. 🙂 Can’t wait til this comes to Singapore!
I love Gaga’s color, but it seems rather dry on the lips as compared to Cyndi’s color. =(
Thanks Renee! You will love both =)
That’s exactly how I feel about the Gaga lipstick. It’s weird too because both of them are in the Lustre formula.
Thanks Phyllis for these swatches ! You have great lips.
I really love both but Gaga’s color seems to be too light for dark skin so I don’t know if I will buy it…Is it like Angel lipstick ?
but I love Cyndi’s color !!
Both colours are so versatile and wearable. Love them both !
Thanks for the demo in showing the actual colors of these lipsticks. I really like the Cyndi Lauper one, but sure if it looks good on me. This seems like a bright red. Like you said in your prior post it’s more coral, it doesn’t seem to coral on the pic. The color looks more bright red in it. I always think that coral color tends to gear more pinkish tone + hint of red = becomes more of peachy pink color tone.
Wow…both looks so good! I expected the Cyndi to be brighter but it actually looks quite good!
@Cynthia: I agree with Phyllis. I have the Cyndi Lauper lipstick too and it has more coral/orange undertones than red.
Great lips by the way!
Thanks Pinklye! Yes the Gaga lipstick is on the light side and it has more of a cool-based pinkish tone to it. Angel is more neutral to me.
The Cyndi lipstick is in no way bright at all. Compared to true red lipsticks like MAC Russian Red, this is definitely a lot softer and more coral. I’m sure it will work on most of you =)
I really like the second one, the color reminds me of fresh berries 🙂
thanks for the swatches! i love the cyndi one looks on you~ the color is so pretty <3
so cute! cant wait for a lipstick demo from you! love how it looks clean, sharp and done without looking “done” if that makes any sense! lol but yeah, so so cute!
yay for the lip swatches! 🙂
Hey Phyllis, I bought the Cyndi lipstick and I was wondering if you had suggestions on what to wear it with (on the rest of the face, for example)?
the Gaga one is so pretty!! I want!
Yes the Cyndi one is really pretty and so wearable! I’ve been wearing it a lot =)
I know they paired the Cyndi Lipstick with a gray smoky eye on the Viva Glam ad but I like to pair it with a neutral eye or winged eyeliner for a fresh look.
LOVE THEM BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Phyllis,
I like the both swatch on your lips…expecially that Ladygaga one..
Can I ask is that the Cyndi one is suitable to my skintone in Mac NC30 ???
I like that both colour on your’s looked pretty ..^.^
I’m a MAC NC30 =)
HI Phyllis
thanks for ur reply …
these both colour of the lipstick on your lips is looked pretty….
thats mean it will be suitable for my skintone too…
what color is best if you are more fair skinned, brown hair, and blue eyes
I love them both! Such dynamic colors!! MAC has the best lipstick hands down!!
Viva Glam Gaga <3333333
Bom lips.
Wow, they look perfect on your lips!
Hi Love the Cyndi =D looks gorgeous so i will be buying it soon! Did you prep your lips before??
I swear you have the most gorgeous lip shape I have ever seen! Perfect!