Actress Hayden Panettiere showed off some new bangs at the Whaleman Foundation Benefit yesterday. Normally I’m not a huge fan of bangs (they remind me of my Asian cut when I was young *lol*) but I think she looks great! The bangs give her an edgier, younger look. Are we digging the bangs ladies?

Hayden Before and After
I agree, she looks nice with bangs. It makes her look more youthful because sometimes she looks too mature for her age. She as a high forehead, so she can carry off bangs.
i like the cut, but what’s up with that ashy color??
i’m liking the bangs-the ashy almost gray color not so much. very very few people look good with an ash toned color
I actually don’t like it. Maybe its the color that’s throwing me off but I feel it makes her look older. She kind of looks like Goldie Hawn in this pic
Her new haircut looks like a wig, but it frames her face well.
it totally made her not look like herself, i wouldn’t recognize her if i saw this elsewhere!
Young? I totally thought this wig(or whatever it is) on her head added 20 years to her age. She looks WAY OLDER!
I think that she looks okay with the bangs – just not with this hair colour. The whole thing makes her look much older, as though she is channelling Crystal Carrington from Dynasty (80s show), and not in an ironic retro way. Perhaps if she’d gone rich chocolate brunette instead (a la Sarah Michelle Gellar) with this cut, it *might* have worked.