Actress Megan Fox showed up at the Myspace/IGN Jennifer’s Body Party last week with paler skin, trampy red lipstick and a soft smoky eye. Ladies, how are we liking this?

Actress Megan Fox showed up at the Myspace/IGN Jennifer’s Body Party last week with paler skin, trampy red lipstick and a soft smoky eye. Ladies, how are we liking this?
i love her.x
I think she looks gorgeous…But it would be nicer if her rest of the skin match her foundation…
I actually think she is 10 x’s more gorgeous with paler skin! In fact my boyfriend only thinks she is hot when she isn’t so so tan. She looks like snow white here!
Is it just me or do her eyebrows not look as “sharp”/well-defined as before?
She’s still gorgeous though =)
I think this is one of her better looks
very pretty…but i heard her skin is really bad?
do you mean vampy? because that’s definitely not trampy. in fact, it’s classier than she usually looks.
the lip color is so bad
The red is a bit harsh on her, but let’s be honest – she’s so hot anyways, that anything would look good on her!
This look is okay…i think she’s had better ones. As someone mentioned, her foundation doesn’t match the rest of her skin. Her eyebrows aren’t as neat as usual. But i don’t think the look is completely horrible.
She’s definitely hot, but the foundation definitely needs to match her skin! And she needs some lipliner. I see bleeding!
She looks hot as usual. I agree with Monet, vampy not trampy.
She always looks beautiful, but this isn’t her best look.
I love it! Very classy.
Personally, i think Megan fox looks so much better with paler skin. It beautifully contrasts with her dark hair.
She’s a lovely girl. No need for all that makeup. Makes her look trashy. She looks gorgeous with natural makeup. The makeup that she’s sporting doesn’t accentuate her beauty nor bring out her features. It’s way too harsh.
I don’t like red lipstick but i can overlook that & i think she’s absolutely gorgeous. I think she should get a tan though, it suits her more.
They filmed this movie at my school! I got a picture with her!!
OMG Apple show us a picture!!! Is she pretty in person?
i think this look is amazing on her. She looks like herself rather than every other tanorexic/smokey eyed/nude lipped celebrity out there (victoria beckham anyone?)
She’s so gorgeous. I love her makeup and her natural skin!