Just like her chart-topping singles, pop diva Lady Gaga‘s makeup style is totally hot!

Despite the bronze skin we see, our lady is naturally a porcelain process (just look at the picture on top right). To fake Gaga’s tan, use a self-tanner (remember no tanning allowed!) I highly recommend Jergens Natural Glow Express Body Moisturizer for a fast and natural tan but you can also check out my self-tanner reviews for more options.
Gaga’s skin is also flawless so use a foundation with medium to high coverage if necessary. She uses Make Up For Ever HD Invisible Cover Foundation on her face and body.
Lay low on the blush and apply it only on the cheekbone. Lady Gaga is not going for the sweet look so blush is hardly seen on the apples.
The eyes are definitely the focus in Gaga’s looks. To recreate her look, you need:
* Black eyeliner applied thickly especially on the top.
* False eyelashes. Gaga uses Make Up For Ever and Shu Uemura lashes.
* Bold eyeshadows. Check out brands like MAC and Make Up For Ever for super bright hues that would make your eyes pop and be creative. Our lady is not afraid of color.
When it comes to the lips, Gaga has worn it all – hot pink, red, orange, pink, nude. Her lip line is always defined so use a lip liner before applying lipstick and adding shine with a gloss on top.
hey thanks for the update 🙂
i’ve been following your site for a long time & i gotta say you’re doing a good job!
i don’t know if you’re doing any requests, but can you please do a celebrity breakdon on elanne kwong?
Hi, I hate lady gaga,he was a man and his makeup is too much.
hey Phyllis
im an avid fan of your blog 😀
i was wondering if u could do a make-up breakdown of Lauren Conrad.
i really like her everyday make-up look.
thk you soo much
uhhh lady gaga is not a man and never was a man. get it straight.
Lady gaga is freaking gorgeous!
She looks so hot in her vids 😀
Im so glad you did a breakdown on her.
i like this breakdown and also the variety of images of lady gaga 🙂
Ooooh, thanks for the breakdown! That hot pink eyeshadow look is HOT.
can you do a makeup breakdown on ella koon please?
I love Lady Gaga.
Her music is awesome and I love her style ! But I think that her fake tan is too much on the last picture, I don’t like at all.
Euwwww, I hate Lady Gaga and the music, too. Ghetto!!!!
cool post on the lady gaga, her makeup is always top.
i really wonder how she looks like without makeup~!!
but i do like her top right and top left look! gorgeous !
as for the bottom left one~~ what’s up with the ribbon on her head?
I love lady gaga she has great music and you dont know if she was a boy or not. If you dont hear the words out of her mouth that she was a boy then dont say things like that. She is awsome. I love her song love game and paparazzi
hi holy here i must say that no matter what lady gaga wears she is so fucking fit so stay confident girl
She’s not a man stop being so stupid and listening to the rumors out there show’s how dumb some people really are btw I love her and lover her music and going to support her no matter what go Lady GaGa!!! <3
Hi, I stumbled on your blog randomly, I’d rate it 10/10, simple chic & your tutorials are ace! Keep it up Girl!
hey, im doing a project on lady gaga, and i was just wondering, what should i wear without being to reveling, and what type of make-up, hair.. ect should i do ? if you could left me know asap that be great thanks 🙂