Shiseido Maquillage has hooked up with London-based designer Christopher Kane for its latest Fall 2008 Mode Mix Collection to appeal to the hip and young. The collection features a new eyeshadow duo (Forming Shiny Eyes), blush (Designer Cheek Colors), eyebrow pencil (Soft Brow Liner) and new colors for its famous Lasting Climax Rouge. Shiseido has also hired it model Agyness Deyn, along with 4 Japanese celebrities – Anne Watanabe, Chiaki Kuriyama, Misaki Ito and Yuri Ebihara – to demonstrate the 5 different looks for the collection. My favorites are Modern Mix and Lovely Mix. What are yours?

active mix and stylish mix!
the lipsticks look so pretty!
why do this to me phillis? (lol) the green is soooo gorgeous,the looks are amazing,no more please…haha!
also yuri rocks!!!!
I love Yuri Ebihara so I’m biased, my fav is the lovely mix 🙂
Modern Mix, for sure! I’ve been eyeing it for the last month… It’s really steep, in both Hong Kong and Taiwan, with the exchange rates still works out to be $30ish CAD. How much does it cost in States/Canada?
My aunt picked up the Maquillage Blush in the darker shade though, and it’s absolutely GORGEOUS. 😀
where can i buy these in the states/canada?
oh wow i hope they come out in the us!
I loove Modern, Lovely and Romantic. Love your blog and I’ve linked you, hope you don’t mind. =)
Love mix is my most favorite! Gold and purple combination is kind of unexpected and unique. Active mix is also nice but I’m not a big fan of orangy/peachy lip color. Beautiful color palettes though!
active mix and lovely mix!
Totally wearable
PHYLLIS…WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU? Great review…. I just recently got into Shiseido…works wonders for Asian tones! Keep up the good work!
the active mix and the lovely mix both look great, although i really love the lip shade in the active mix!! i must go to the department store soon… MAC recently opened a boutique there too, which is AWESOME because i live in korea and i wouldn’t have access to MAC otherwise so… yay!!!!
beautiiful blog merciiiiii