Here is a breakdown on the looks at the Temperley fashion show as requested by Poliya. Enjoy!
Skin should look polished so start off with foundation and concealer to cover all discolorations and flaws. Bronzer is used to add warmth to the skin. Starting from the temple, brush your favorite bronzer or a peachy brown blush (try MAC Sunbasque Sheertone Shimmer Blush) downward towards the center of your face. Make sure you blend up to the hairline so it looks more natural.
The eyes are the main focus in this look. Eyebrows should be kept thick and well-groomed. Brush your eyebrows upwards with a spoolie and fill in any sparse areas with powder. Next, sweep a chocolate brown eyeshadow onto your crease. Hhighlight the center of your eyelid and the inner corners of your eyes with a shimmery eyeshadow. Rim both your top and lower lash lines with a black eyeliner and wing it slightly at the outer corner to create a cat eye effect. Using a push brush, go over the liner on your lower lash line with the same powder eyeshadow you used on the crease. Finally apply several coats of mascara to complete the look.
Lips are nude and matte. Try a flesh-looking lipstick like MAC Myth.
Images: Getty Images.
Hey, I just love love love your site. I visit your blog almost every day.
I just wonder if you could help me out. I wonder if you can give me a tutorial how to get such an eye make-up,
if possible with only MAC products (it would be very cool if you could recommend some of their products which would fit with the eye make up she’s wearing on the picture).
Thank you so much for your help. ^^
hey i love your sight but i was wondering how do you tame thick eyebrows? like when it grows long i dont know how you suppose to trim it? brush up and cut? or something =/ yeah im a newb =x
I find your site today and believe it is one of best, if not the best, resources I’ve found for Asians in applying make-up. Keep up the great blog!
Thank you very much for this post!!! I will try this look inmediately!!!
hi Joanna, please read my entry eyebrows 101:
let me know if you have more questions!
I’m asian too so the biggest problem I have is not having a double-eyelid so the makeup tips from most magazines don’t work for me. So I just wanted to say thanks and to let you know that you’ve got a great site that’s very helpful!
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Pls, reply me