Mineralize Skinfinish ($27)
There are two sets of MSFs in this collection.

1st Row:
* Sunny By Nature – Rich Bronze with pink pearl
* Cheeky Bronze – Soft Golden Coral with bronze pearl
* Porcelain Pink – Soft pinky coral with gold veining
2nd Row:
* Triple Fusion – Left : Soft Champagne Gold; Center: Soft Golden Pink; Right: Rose Pink with Golden Nuances
* Smooth Merge – Left: Soft Champagne Pink; Center: Deep Rose; Right: Pale Cool Pink
* Warm Blend – Left: Antique Gold; Center: Mahogany Bronze; Right: Copper
* 131 Duo Fibre Powder/Blush ($40) – Flat, tapered brush that contains a combination of short and long fibres. Ideally suited for Mineralize Skinfinish Powders.
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