According to WWD, Proactiv Solution has added Katy Perry, Avril Lavigne and Jenna Fischer to their long line of celebrity spokespeople. The three will appear in 1-minute, 2-minute and 30-second television commercials that launch this month and the gig will last at least a year, airing worldwide.

On a side note, has anyone of you tried Proactiv? Does it really work?
have these celebrities used proactiv themselves? =/ or are they just being the face of proactiv?
Proactiv did not work for me. It actually made my skin really dry. They also have horrible customer service!
Proactiv turned my mild acne into full blown cysts..I still have scarring from it. I couldn’t believe how harsh it was. 🙁
I’m using Proactiv, its helping but I still have acne. I think I have hormonal acne and it can’t be completely cured by topicals.
I’ve never used Proactiv, and do not intend to. But all of my friends who have tried it say that it doesn’t work. I think it even made one of my friend’s acne worse.
I tried Proactv years ago when my skin was pretty bad, but all it did was dry it out. It felt like my face was burning half the time and i’d have skin peeling 🙁 Think it was waaaay too harsh for me 🙁
Tried it and it doesn’t work. Even my Dermatologist said it’s too harsh. Plus she said your face bacteria gets used to the product so if it does work at first, the effects won’t last.
ProActiv Does NOT WORK it was so abrasive on my skin (which isnt that sensitive) and actually irritated my skin like crazy. The same results happened to others in my family.
I dont think you should a buy a certain skincare line because celebs endorse it, they are getting paid hundreds for a product I doubt they use or even tried.
I tried proactiv in high school and it really does work. It’s pricey stuff though! I have found that the main ingredient is the 2.5% benzoyl Peroxide, which works by creating an oxygen-rich environment in the skin, which kills the acne-causing bacteria. 3% of the population is allergic to BP though, so it may not be suitable for everyone, and it bleaches things, so you have to be very careful!
I don’t use it anymore, mainly because of the cost, but a good substitute is a gentle cleanser (i use the Clarisonic Mia too), an alcohol-free toner of your choice, and a 2.5-5% over the counter BP cream, like from Oxy (they have 2.5-5%), Clean & Clear (Persa-gel5), or any other brand. For dryness, any regular moisturizer will do!
I’ve tried it and it is helping a little, but it doesn’t solve the problem completely! But I have a friend for whom it solved all her acne! So It probably works for some people!
This is the ONLY product that worked for me, and I have tried EVERYTHING. I’m only sad I hadn’t found it sooner. My skin has never been so clear. You must use the steps as instructed to get results. However, I drop the repairing lotion step in the winter since my skin is dryer. After the steps I moisturize with DDF during the day and regenerist at night. <3
I am using it and it clears me up quite a bit but never totally. The acne does come back if I stop using it though.
On Makeup Alley Pro-activ products are receiving many bad reviews compared to other products there.
It worked for me, the new proqctiv anyway not the old one cuz it’s too harsh! What I hat though is once I stop using it I get all this acne:(